Hello! Look, I made blog just like I said I would! The picture above is depicting the final stages of my planning right before leaving Cape Cod. You're looking at multiple do-to lists, shopping lists, packing lists, lists of lists, bus schedules, calender, and a little light house salt shaker to remind me all the while that I was ignoring the beach and headed off to gray skies and an early Autumn. But its worth it!! It took a lot of work to get our lives into storage and our selves to the UK for this long!
These first few posts are going to be mostly picture based (Picasa Web albums), which I'm sure you won't mind. The pictures are heavily "narrated" so you can follow me and Ben's journey through the UK and beyond. So make sure you look out for captions while paroozing my albums. I suggest slide show mode so you can see the whole picture and caption all at once. First, A little disclaimer: I'm creating this blog for two reasons: as a journal for my future self and for my family and friends who choose to read it. I'll try to be amusing sometimes (most times), but this is not written for the entertainment of the general public (as so many blogs are). So, seeing as this blog is just as much for me as it is for you all, every post won't be all sunshine and rainbows and funnies. Some you may find dull, some negative ("making art is haaarrrrd!"). But it will be generally informative and entertaining, I hope! Also, please let me know if the color scheme and/or font is hard to read. I'm going to start from the beginning and hopefully catch up to the present rather quickly. If my past journaling experiences hold true, I will never keep this up unless I'm writing about the present.
We have just finished our 6th day at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop and things are going swimmingly (....it will be even better when my clay comes...)
I'm going to start with the first stint of the trip: my time with the band in Scotland and England. If you have about a half hour to spare, I highly recommend you read Josh's Hot Seats Blog V and Hot Seats Blog VI (in case you're not aware, things in purple, like those blogs, are clickable direct links) to get the full, hilarious view of life on the road. If you have an additional half hour, click all of Josh's blue links, especially if you like kittens... These blogs cover the time I was with them. (My band name is Ezmerelda Volcano. Why, you might ask? Well, because Ben's band name is Hieronymus Volcano, of course). Granted, his blogs to not show the Band Wife perspective, but it will suffice, and I am mentioned multiple times. ( I was given the opportunity by Josh to contribute the female perspective for the band blog...but could a lady write about so much flatulence and vulgarity and still call one's self a lady?!).
So, now that you have read Josh's blogs...you are ready to see my pictures. Click HERE to see my online album from Aug 23 thru Sept 4. (Oh wait! Warning: there is a big chunk if pictures from the Tate Modern in London, so unless you have a specific interest in modern art, you can skip that section. If you do check it out: after each art image is a picture of the a placard identifying the work). Also, I took 3 videos of the band at various venues...but it seems Josh must have "cut" them from my camera instead of "copying" them. So you'll have to go their site it you want to see they boys play the UK.
So...I will leave you with these Very flirtatious Velociraptors
Tune in next time for BenAnnie tour Amsterdam and Berlin and Edinburgh Again! ....(and also Detention! Dun dun DUNNNN!)
This is great Annie! You and Ben were in dinosaur heaven. Hope you are getting settled in your new studio, it can be frustrating getting the momentum going in a new space, but also inspiring...